2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Firewood’

Why Does Your Fireplace Smoke?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

cat-fireplace-hearthNothing is quite as relaxing on a cold winter night at home as lighting a fire in your fireplace and cozying up. Unless, of course, your fireplace sends smoke pouring back into your home. Not only is this unexpected; it’s a health and safety hazard as well. If you’re tired of this happening so often when you use your fireplace, we may have some solutions.

Below, find out what may be causing your fireplace to smoke when you light a fire, and some possible remedies to the situation. Otherwise, call our team for comprehensive chimney and fireplace services in Minneapolis, MN.

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A Short Guide to Quality Firewood and Your Chimney

Monday, June 29th, 2015

Are you taking the proper precautions when it comes to choosing your firewood? The quality of the firewood that you use has a major effect on the performance and safety of your chimney. Learn more about how and why to choose the proper firewood in today’s guide.

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