2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Golden Valley’

Golden Valley Wood Burning Tips: What NOT to Burn in your Fireplace or Wood Stove

Monday, May 14th, 2012

In addition to proper ventilation and annual chimney inspections in Golden Valley, burning the right type of fuel in your wood burning application is part of preventing chimney fires and other safety hazards. Making sure that you have installed interior and exterior spark arresters is also important in protecting your home and your property from potential fires created by embers.

If you have questions about choosing firewood, check our blog archives for more information on how to select and store your firewood. You can always call 2nd Generation Chimneys any time, and our fireplace and chimney experts will be glad to answer any further questions you might have.

In the meantime, here are some of the more common items that should NOT be burned in a fireplace or wood stove:

  • Cardboard and Garbage:  While this may seem obvious, many people think that burning trash and paper products, such as cardboard and magazines , is safe because they do not burn too hot; however, these products are typically treated with toxic chemicals that can be released into the air you breathe when you burn them.
  • Treated Wood and Construction Materials:  Like household garbage and cardboard, pressure-treated wood contains harmful chemicals that are released when burned, particularly stained or water-treated wood from decks or landscaping and rail road ties. This applies to construction scraps, such as plywood, particle board, gypsum board, press board, or any material that contains glue.
  • Ocean Driftwood:  When ocean driftwood is burned, it can release the sea salt and minerals that will turn into corrosive and toxic gases, which are harmful to your health and can damage your flue lining.
  • Green or Moldy Wood:  Wet or “green” wood causes excess smoking, creosote buildup, foul odors, and could potentially cause illness if the wood contains bacteria, mold, mildew, or other fungi.
  • Christmas Trees or Evergreens:  While all wood will create some creosote buildup, evergreens and trees that contain sap or heavy amounts of resin can create excess creosote. If you choose to burn this type of wood, be sure that you have your chimney cleaned and inspected  at least once a year, if not twice a year.

We also get many questions about burning artificial logs. Most fire safety experts agree that while these are convenient, they should only be used to start a fire if you do not have proper kindling. In addition, they should be burned in an open fireplace, and one at a time.

If you use fire starters, make sure you are careful about stirring the fire before they have completely burned, since moving them around could cause the fire to get too hot or out of control. Always read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully before you start the fire.

Don’t hesitate to give the fireplace experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys a call any time you have questions or concerns.

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Mendota Heights Wood Burning Tips: How to Select and Store Firewood

Monday, April 30th, 2012

If you have a wood-burning fireplace insert in Mendota Heights home, selecting the right type of wood and storing it properly will help keep your chimney clean and increase the efficiency of your fireplace or wood stove. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Selecting Firewood

Unless you have a pellet stove, there are many types of wood to choose from. While most people opt for premium hardwoods, lighter woods—such as maple or elm—are more plentiful and will burn faster, which makes them good for shorter, hotter fires or for kindling. Regardless of what type of wood you burn, make sure it is well-seasoned. Properly seasoned firewood is wood that has been cut and dried out as much as possible. Trees retain moisture even after they’ve died, so you want to make sure your firewood is cut at least 6 months to a year before you use it. The shorter the pieces are cut the better seasoned your wood will be.

If you have purchased seasoned wood instead of cutting your own firewood, there are a few ways to tell if it has been properly seasoned. First, look at the ends of the pieces. Are the ends darker, or do they have cracks and splits? Those are good indicators of well-seasoned wood. Secondly, check the weight. Seasoned wood is a lot lighter than green wood, which is dense because of the water retained inside the wood. Lastly, you can always buy the wood well in advance, and properly store it for several months before you plan to burn it.  If you end up burning slightly damp wood there will be a significant amount of smoke and you should consider getting your chimney swept and cleaned

Storing Firewood

Even if you’ve bought well-seasoned firewood, you will want to store it properly to prevent it from getting wet. Burning green wood creates more creosote buildup and, therefore, more potential for chimney fires. If the wood is too saturated, you may not get it to burn at all. Always store wood off of the ground and underneath a protective cover. If you are storing it on a porch, make sure there’s a roof over it or that it is in a sunny location and that you cover it with a tarp in inclement weather.

Ideally, you should store wood in a shed with a sturdy roof but that has openings or loose sides to allow air flow and help the wood stay dry should any moisture get trapped in the wood through the openings. A tightly-closed space could promote mold growth if the wood has retained any moisture. If you are trying to season the wood, proper air circulation is an important part of the drying process. Properly seasoned wood should last up to four years if it is stored correctly.

Feel free to call one of the chimney specialists at 2nd Generation Chimneys if you have further questions about choosing or storing your firewood for the wood-burning appliance in your Mendota Heights home.

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