2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Fireplace Repair’ Category

These Signs Often Mean You Need Your Fireplace Repaired

Monday, January 27th, 2025

A fireplace is more than just a source of warmth — it’s the heart of your home during the colder months. However, like any part of your home, your fireplace requires regular care and attention to make sure it functions safely and efficiently. Ignoring issues can lead to bigger problems, from poor performance to potential safety hazards. If you notice any of the following signs, it may be time for a fireplace repair in Minneapolis, MN.

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4 Signs You Need a Fireplace Repair

Monday, June 7th, 2021

Whether you have stopped using your fireplace for the year or you still get a warm fire going a few times a week, you need to make sure your fireplace is in good condition. We get that there is a big draw to “vintage” style fireplaces but there can be a big overlap between that vintage look and a fireplace that is simply falling apart due to age or wear and tear.

If your fireplace has begun to look a little worse for the wear it may be time to reach out to see if you need a fireplace repair in Minneapolis, MN. Our team can help you figure out the best solution for your fireplace so you can get back to enjoying those nights by the fire again.

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Why Fireplace Repair Is Always a Job for Professionals

Thursday, January 15th, 2015

If there is a problem with your fireplace, you want it fixed quickly. Whether your home is recovering from a fire, your broken fireplace cannot provide adequate heat, or it is at risk of catching fire in the future, you’ll need a professional trained in the standards of chimney repair and safety to ensure that the problem is fixed and to keep any safety hazards from occurring in the future.

Fireplace repair is not a job for the average do-it-yourselfer. While you can challenge yourself by doing some home projects on your own, such as assembling or repainting furniture, these jobs don’t generally come along with any high risk. Chimney fires are one of the leading causes of home fires in the U.S., and you risk a chimney fire any time a component of your fireplace is in a state of disrepair. There are professionals trained specifically on the best methods for repairing, relining, or sealing your fireplace, and you should always make sure you’re working with an expert.

As an example, the flue liner must be the proper size and it has to be in top shape in order for the fireplace to remain in good shape. If you call a technician for a routine inspection and they discover that the flue liner needs replacement due to cracks and holes or any other threat to your safety, the technician may decide that it needs replacement. And you’ll want to make sure you have a certified professional to make measurements and choose a fire resistant material that is fitted properly.

Be sure to call for repairs as soon as you notice anything unusual, such as excessive smoking, visible cracks and holes in the chimney, or a cracked firebox. You should only trust professionals certified in chimney repair and cleaning, as they are better able to assess any potential danger and recognize repair needs throughout the structure. The experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, which means they’ll make sure your new repairs are safe and sound.

Contact 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. today for thorough, quality fireplace repair in Wayzata. Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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