2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Chimney Liner’

What’s the Purpose of a Chimney Liner?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

Homeowners often take for granted the crucial components of homes that keep us safe and comfortable. One such component is the chimney liner, an essential part of any chimney system that ensures the efficient and safe operation of your fireplace or heating appliance. 

At 2nd Generation Chimneys, we are dedicated to educating our customers about the importance of chimney liners and providing top-notch chimney liner installation and repair services. In this post, we will explore what chimney liners are, the different types available, and why they are a cost-effective solution for maintaining your chimney.

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What You Should Know About Chimney Liners

Monday, May 10th, 2021

Not sure what a chimney liner is or what it is for? Let us help with that.

Whether you are trying to learn about better chimney care or looking to just learn more about your chimney, one thing you should know about is your chimney liner. This is a vital part of your chimney and fireplace that can impact your comfort and your safety too. We can help you learn more about your chimney liner and provide the services you need to keep it in good shape.

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“What Part of My Chimney Needs Fixing?”

Monday, October 14th, 2019

chimneyTo the untrained eye, a chimney may look like a simple brick and mortar pillar with a pipe or two at the top. In reality, you know that your chimney has many parts to it. And much like other areas of your home, your chimney needs regular, specialized care.

You want to keep your chimney in good working order. It helps keep your home warm and safe in the cold weather after all. But the question is how do you tell if and where your chimney needs repairs? At the end of the day, it is not only easier but safer to reach out to a professional chimney technician for examination and repair. They will know exactly what to look for and how to address your chimney’s needs safely.

For now however, we can give you a brief description of some parts of your chimney that you might want to check for potential repair needs.

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Do You Need a New Chimney Liner?

Monday, April 29th, 2019

You don’t often think about your chimney, and why would you now that spring has sprung and there’s no longer a need for your fireplace? Well, we are here to tell you that spring is the perfect time to take care of any outstanding chimney repairs and restorations that you may need. Of course, with the weather changing and the rainy season on its way, the need for repairs and replacements might be more imminent.

As the saying goes, “April showers bring May flowers,” but April showers may also bring a wide range of issues for your chimney and your home. This is especially the case if your chimney liner needs to be replaced. Your chimney liner  is one of the most important components of your chimney, as it keeps gasses, smoke, creosote, and water out of your home. There are a number of signs that suggest it’s time you invest in a new chimney liner, and below, we have outlined them for you. 

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Getting to Know Your Chimney Liner

Monday, November 26th, 2018

chimneyNobody expects you to be an expert on your chimney and all of the different materials and components that it uses in order to safely and effectively vent smoke and combustion gases out of your home. If you were an expert, after all, it wouldn’t exactly be great for our business! That being said, we do believe that it is in every homeowner’s best interest to have a basic idea of how their chimney works (provided that they’re using a fireplace, of course).

There is more to the chimney than may meet the eye—literally! Take the lining within your chimney, for instance. If there is an issue with crumbling masonry on your chimney, then it will probably be pretty easy to spot. This is not really the case with your chimney liner, though, which is held within your chimney itself. So today, we are going to talk about your chimney liner in Minneapolis—what it is, what it does, and what problems it could potentially run into along the way.

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Some Alternatives to Clay Tile Flue Liners

Monday, May 29th, 2017

chimney-fire-top-bottomA chimney is not complete without a liner. Chimney fires are more common than you think, and you may have experienced one before without even realizing it. While you should do whatever you can to prevent a chimney fire—using a dry seasoned wood, proper ventilation, regular cleaning—what’s just as important is making sure a fire cannot spread to the outside of the home.

A chimney liner stops flames from potentially spreading to the outside of the house. It helps to prevent chimney fires from occurring in the first place, and reduces water damage to a masonry chimney. There are many different types of chimney liners available, but one receives some critique. Think clay tile is the wrong choice for your next liner? We offer some advice here, but call a chimney sweep for more information about services available in your area.

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We Use SmartScan Technology to Inspect Your Chimney Flue

Monday, May 8th, 2017

chimney-fire-top-bottomYour chimney may not be in as good of a condition as you think. Hopefully, your chimney is lined with a flue liner, a liner most likely made of steel or clay tiles, that protects the masonry from damage. It stops a potential chimney fire from spreading to the outside of the home, but that doesn’t make it infallible.

When a chimney liner is filled with flammable materials, or when the chimney liner is compromised structurally, it puts your home at risk. Schedule your annual chimney cleaning and inspection with a technician who uses SmartScan technology to check out the chimney liner.

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Common Problems with a Chimney Liner

Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016

While masonry chimneys made of brick and mortar may be beautiful and timeless, it’s not a safe material for smoke and other byproducts to move through. That’s why you have a chimney liner—or you should—inside of your chimney that improves ventilation as a fire burns in your fireplace.

Without a good chimney liner, there is a much higher risk of a chimney fire. It could quickly spread to the outside of your home, and that is something you want to avoid at all costs. Here are some common problems with chimney liners you should know about, and which your technician should check for during an inspection.

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3 Things to Know about Your Chimney Liner

Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

You might not know too much about the chimney that vents smoke and other byproducts away from your home. Many people don’t know that the masonry they see on the outside of a chimney is not the complete picture. A safe, modern chimney also has a liner inside, which helps to contain byproducts of combustion properly.

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Should You Upgrade Your Chimney Liner?

Monday, September 21st, 2015

Unless you’re a professional chimney sweep, it can be tough to tell if your chimney is in trouble. Chimneys don’t exactly make noise or show many other outward signs that they need repair. However, there are some ways to determine if you should replace your older chimney liner with a new one. Here is how you can tell that your chimney need relining services from a professional chimney technician.

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