2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘chimney sweeping’

Plymouth Chimney Sweeping: Tools of the Chimney Sweeping Trade

Monday, January 21st, 2013

When most people think of chimney sweeping they most likely think of Bert from Marry Poppins leaping across rooftops with a black wire brush filled with soot2nd Generation Chimneys provides complete Plymouth chimney sweeping services. While we still to use metal brushes on poles, there are many other tools that we have at our disposal to get your chimney nice and clean.

Why Are Chimney Cleaning Services Necessary?

If you have a fireplace in your Plymouth home, you may have never thought about getting it cleaned. Here are a couple of the benefits of getting your chimney cleaned.

  • Safety – Most people think that once the fuel they put in their fire burns that there’s no risk to them. In reality, the soot and creosote that gather on the inside of your chimney are still flammable. If soot and creosote build up in your chimney they can ignite again. Chimney fires can cause tremendous damage to your chimney and to your home.
  • Efficiency – When you have a fire in your home, you want it to burn as efficiently as possible. If you let soot and creosote build up inside your chimney, it can hinder the flow of smoke, heat and air out of your chimney.

Chimney Sweeping Tools

Here are some of the tools that our skilled Plymouth chimney sweeping professionals will use.

  • Brushes – One of the best tools for chimney sweeps is still a long wire brush. The flexibility and strength of wires brushes allows us to get into tight spaces and scrub out any deposits.
  • Vacuums – Chimney sweeping is a dirty job. We use vacuums to remove any pollutants that enter the air as a result of our cleaning processes. We also make sure to clean up any mess that we make.
  • Chemical soot removers – Sometimes, a brush isn’t enough to get the soot or creosote off of your chimney. In some cases, we use a chemical cleaning agent to remove those deposits.

If you’ve never had your chimney cleaned, it might be a good idea to think about calling 2nd Generation today. We have many years of experience offering chimney cleaning in Plymouth. Contact 2nd Generation Chimneys today!

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Minnetonka Chimney and Fireplace FAQ: Why is Chimney Sweeping Necessary?

Monday, November 19th, 2012

Hiring a Minnetonka chimney technician to clean and inspect your chimney and fireplace before the heating season is an important part of preventive maintenance. At 2nd Generation, we provide comprehensive inspections and chimney cleaning.

Call us today if you haven’t scheduled your annual chimney sweeping service. Here are a few important reasons to do this.

Wood-Burning Appliances and Pellet Stoves

Wood-burning fireplaces and wood stoves create creosote buildup over time. While there is some normal level of buildup that is to be expected, removing excess creosote can help prevent chimney fires and other hazards from occurring. it is essential to schedule an annual cleaning and inspection to ensure the safe operation of your fireplace. Even though pellet fuel is a clean-burning fuel, pellet stoves also need to be cleaned inspected for other issues.

Gas Logs and Fireplace Inserts

Even if you don’t heat your home with wood, inspections for gas inserts is just as important as inspecting a traditional fireplace. The technician will need to check the gas connections, piping, and firebox for any damages or gas leaks. Gas logs and inserts can also have corrosion issues if there’s excess moisture in the chimney. We will make sure that your chimney cap is doing its job of keeping out the rain and snow and creating issues. A technician will also inspect the electrical work and controls, including the thermostat, to ensure that everything is working properly.

Certain animals also like to nest in chimneys, particularly birds and raccoons. If any animals have nested in your chimney over the summer, we can make sure that there are no potential dangers associated with animal infestation once you start using your gas logs again. We’ll also check for proper airflow and other debris lodged in the chimney.

Call the Minnetonka chimney professionals at 2nd Generation if you need to schedule your annual inspection. If begin to notice any problems, such as odd smells, excessive smoke, backdrafts, or other issues, call a certified technician as soon as you can. There could be a hidden problem that needs to be resolved sooner than later.

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Minneapolis Chimney Sweeping Question: Why Does My Chimney Need to Be Inspected if I Have a Gas Fireplace?

Monday, October 1st, 2012

When you use a traditional fireplace in Minneapolis, it’s easy to see why you need to have your chimney inspected and cleaned on a regular basis. The smoke going up the chimney leaves residue behind that can eventually become a hazard if not removed. But there are other reasons that it’s important to have your chimney inspected regardless of the type of fireplace you have, which is why it’s still important to get regular inspections even if you have a gas fireplace.

Outside Debris

One of the main reasons to have your chimney inspected is that things can fall into it from outside. Any type of debris has the potential to become a clog in your chimney, which in turn can cause serious ventilation issues in your home. During a regular inspection, a certified Minneapolis chimney inspection professional can easily find and remove anything that may be interfering with the proper movement of exhaust through your chimney.

Structural Issues

Over time, your chimney will invariably develop cracks and other structural issues that need to be addressed to keep it in good shape. Many of these structural issues, if caught early, are very easy to repair. But if they’re not attended to promptly, small cracks and chips can easily get larger, eventually compromising the integrity of the entire structure. Cracks that let in air from outside also change the way air moves through your chimney, making it a less effective ventilation system for your home.

So while a gas fireplace does burn clean, creating no soot or other residue that can be deposited inside your chimney, there are many other reasons it’s important to have your chimney inspected. This usually only needs to be done once a year to ensure that you have a safe and properly functioning chimney to keep fumes away from the living spaces of your home.

For more information about chimney sweeping or inspection in Minneapolis, give 2nd Generation Chimneys a call!

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Minneapolis Chimney Sweep Guide: Benefits of Pellet Stoves

Monday, September 17th, 2012

Pellet stoves are a viable option for many homeowners in the Minneapolis area – offering an alternative heating source that is independent of your gas lines and that can save you money over pricier fuel options in the winter. If you have been considering having a pellet stove installed in your home and would like to learn more about the specific benefits of doing so, here are a few of the many reasons why area homeowners have them installed.

Cost Benefits

The biggest benefits of a pellet stove are related to cost. A pellet stove costs less to install and offers a less expensive option for heating than gas furnaces or boilers – especially in colder climates. While the system does use electricity and you will need to purchase the wood pellets for your stove (possibly having them delivered depending on where you live in the Minneapolis area), the cost is still less than that of operating a gas powered heating system.

Other Benefits of a Pellet Stove

Beyond the cost benefits of a pellet stove there are a number of other reasons you might consider one a good fit for your home. To start, the system is self-contained, meaning there is a much lower risk of smoke and gas fumes entering your home during combustion than with other types of heating systems. There is much less ash as well and creosote is kept to a minimum, which makes cleaning easier and reduces the risk of a chimney fire.

The wood pellets these stoves run on are largely made from recycled materials as well, meaning this is a mostly green heating method and one that can save you a great deal of money over time. Due to the pellets being recycled, these stoves are often considered carbon neutral (though they do consume some small amount of electricity that isn’t factored into this).

Overall, a pellet stove is a good fit for many homes in Minneapolis, though it is important to have a professional inspect your space and help you determine if it is the right fit.

Remember, whether you have a pellet stove fireplace or a fireplace, regular chimney cleaning is needed to keep it functioning safely. Call the experts at 2nd Generation Chimneys for any chimney sweeping or fireplace installation in Minneapolis!

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Minneapolis Chimney Sweep Guide: How To Avoid Chimney Fires

Monday, September 10th, 2012

Chimney fires are scary things to think about, but by taking a few precautions, you can help prevent this problem from happening in your Minneapolis home.

First, here is a little on what causes chimney fires. The wood that you burn in your fireplace or wood stove contains material than can condense on the inside of your chimney. This forms a tar-like substance called creosote, which is very flammable. If enough creosote builds up in your chimney, it can form a serious fire hazard.

While any wood can create creosote, there are some factors that make creosote buildup more likely. Burning green wood, extremely cold temperatures, and poor air supply can lead to more creosote condensing on the chimney. To reduce buildup, it’s best to have small, hot fires with seasoned firewood.

However, since burning any wood will lead to creosote in your chimney, the best way to prevent chimney fires is to have your chimney cleaned and inspected every year.  A chimney sweep will remove any creosote buildup and check over your chimney for other problems.

To prepare for your chimney sweep’s visit, there are a few things that you can do:

  • Don’t use the fireplace or wood stove for 24 hours before the appointment
  • Move furniture away from the fireplace
  • Keep pets and children away from the work area

If you haven’t have your Minneapolis chimney cleaned and inspected this year, call 2nd Generation Chimneys today to schedule your appointment!

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Minneapolis Chimney Guide: Common Chimney Problems

Monday, August 6th, 2012

Making use of your Minneapolis home’s fireplace is a great way to relax. Even if you use it only infrequently, though, it is important to have your fireplace and chimney professionally inspected annually. Not only does this keep your chimney  working properly and safely, it also allows professional chimney sweeps to discover any existing or developing problems within your chimney. At 2nd Generation Chimneys we want you to feel confident when using your home’s fireplace. Here’s some information about common chimney problems and conditions that can be discovered and dealt with by a professional service company.

  • Creosote Buildup: Creosote is a tarry substance that results from the burning of wood in your fireplace. It is a byproduct of the burning process and its production cannot be avoided. As long as you have your chimney cleaned annually creosote should pose no danger. However, if left to itself long enough it can be responsible for fires within your chimney. Regular, professional chimney maintenance will cut down on the creosote buildup in your chimney, keeping your fireplace and chimney as safe as possible.
  • Damaged Chimney Cap or Crown: The crown of your chimney sits at the top of the structure to protect exposed masonry chimneys from being damaged by weather or water. The cap is a roofed addition that helps keep water out of your chimney and may have a screen to keep animals and birds out as well. A faulty cap or screen can let in unwanted debris and pests, and can even result in damage to your fireplace’s flue.
  • Damaged Flue: The flue of your fireplace allows combustion gases to vent. A damaged flue can allow gases to seep into your house and lead to the erosion of the chimney’s masonry and brickwork. This puts the structural integrity of your entire chimney at risk.
  • Cracks in Lining of Chimney: Any cracks or damage to the flue lining must be dealt with immediately. This can lead to leaking gases and escaping heat, putting the interior of your home at risk of fire or exposure to gases. It can also lead to blockages and improper ventilation.

When properly maintained your fireplace is a perfectly safe, enjoyable way to relax and heat your home. Annual professional maintenance will alleviate any concern you have about the functionality of your chimney. If you have any cause to suspect a problem with your chimney’s structure or operation, or if you’d just like more information, call the Minneapolis chimney professionals at 2nd Generation Chimneys.

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Plymouth Chimney Sweeping FAQ’s

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

There are few things more relaxing than making use of your fireplace on a chilly night. Don’t trick yourself into thinking that because it is not a primary heat source your Plymouth chimney does not need to be inspected and cleaned, though. Any use of your fireplace requires basic maintenance to keep it safe. Here are some common questions that people have regarding chimney sweeping.

How Often Should I Clean My Chimney?

Fire safety experts generally agree that yearly maintenance is necessary for a safe chimney. Remember, even though it is not heavily used your chimney could have poor ventilation from animal nests or suffer from a damaged liner or flu. A yearly inspection and cleaning will keep your chimney safe and functional.

How Long Does A Sweeping Take, and Is There a Mess?

Generally a chimney sweeping should be done in about an hour, though if problems are discovered it can take longer. As for a mess, yes, chimney sweeping is messy business. Thankfully a professional service like ours always has the appropriate equipment to leave your fire area cleaner than when we got there.

Why is Video Inspection Necessary?

A video inspection is, simply put, the most thorough way to ensure that your chimney is in safe working order. If our professional chimney sweepers notice any warning signs or safety hazards, the best way to evaluate the level of concern is with video inspection. The accessible parts of a chimney are only part of a complete inspection.

Can I Install My Wood Stove Insert Directly Into My Fireplace?

Maybe. Some prefabricated wood stoves require a specific chimney that is installed with the insert. Some are adaptable to existing fireplaces, but it is important that a qualified contractor do the installation to ensure that the stove and chimney are compatible as well as to properly insulate and seal the components.

If I’ve Had a Chimney Fire Can I Still Use My Fireplace?

The only way to be sure that your fireplace is safe to use is by having it professionally inspected. If you have a tile or clay liner, for example, you may need to have a new liner installed as these materials are very susceptible to heat. If any insulation or other materials are exposed through a crack it is very possible that another chimney fire may occur.

We at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. hope that this information has cleared up a few questions you may have had. Remember, we’re here whenever you need us, so if you have a question that was not addressed or have any other concerns, call us now. We’re here to help with any issues your Plymouth chimney is experiencing.

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Minneapolis Chimney Sweep Q/A: Why Do I Need Chimney Cleaning if I Have a Pellet Stove?

Monday, July 16th, 2012

Using alternative fuel sources for heat is becoming more and more popular in Minneapolis. Sometimes, though, people get misconceptions in their head when switching over to a different fuel source. If you’ve ever used wood to heat your home with a fireplace before then you hopefully know about the importance of chimney cleaning. Don’t think that just because wood pellets are advertised as “clean burning” that you don’t still need to maintain a clean, safe chimney.

Wood pellets are a clean burning source of heat. They consequently create less creosote than burning wood logs in your fireplace or in a wood burning stove. However, the chimney and flue utilized by these stoves still require professional cleaning, not only to work efficiently but to work safely. Don’t take any chances when heating your Minneapolis home with pellet stoves.

Wood stoves rely on the principle of chimney draft in order to operate. Pellet stoves, on the other hand, require a specially sealed exhaust pipe in or to work properly. This prevents exhaust from spilling out into your living space. A combustion blower within pellet stoves creates air pressure, in turn creating a need for double walled ventilation with a stainless steel interior. Thanks to this forced exhaust system, pellet stoves do not require a vertical rise in order to properly vent. They can be vented horizontally, straight through the wall of your living space.

If you do have a preexisting chimney you can choose to vent through that as well, but you will need a correctly sized stainless steel liner for your chimney in order to ensure proper drafting of the exhaust. This will prevent a drop in pressure cause by an oversized flue, allowing smoke to condense within the chimney and adversely affecting the performance of your stove.

However you choose to vent your pellet stove, whether through horizontal piping or straight up your fireplace’s chimney, it is important that you take all the right steps to ensure proper operation and safety. This includes using the right equipment and flue liners. It also includes professional Minneapolis chimney service. Remember, clean burning does not mean creosote free. Call 2nd Generation Chimney now with any questions you may have.

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Minneapolis Chimney Sweeping Tip: Reasons You May Need a Video Chimney Inspection

Monday, July 9th, 2012

There is nothing quite as comforting on a cold night as making use of your Minneapolis fireplace. For those of you who use your fire places regularly the importance of having them swept out is probably well known. Modern technology offers more in the way of just chimney sweeping, though. If you have heard about video chimney inspection or have had it recommended, we’re guessing that you have a few questions. The first question is whether or not video chimney inspection is really necessary. The second is how to decide when to have a video chimney inspection performed. 2nd Generation Chimneys has some information to help answer these questions, and we encourage you to call with any others you may have.

First of all, like any service, chimney inspection is only necessary when there is reason to believe that you will benefit from the service. Our team will never recommend a service unless we truly believe that it will help diagnose a problem that other methods have failed to. When you have your chimney swept out a basic inspection is performed. If one of our trained chimney sweeps finds evidence of a problem with your chimney but is unable to find the cause, a video inspection may be a viable option. Likewise, if one of our customers is concerned about a performance issue with their chimney and we cannot find a reason for it, we will want to examine your chimney more thoroughly.

There are certain situations where it is pretty obvious that a video chimney inspection may be required. If there is evidence of a potential crack or void during the initial sweeping or inspection, for instance, or following a chimney fire. If you plan on relining your chimney flue it  certainly makes sense to ensure the integrity of your chimney beforehand.

The best way to decide whether or not you need a video chimney inspection is through communication. Only work with a professional Minneapolis chimney sweeping company that you trust and whose advice you feel comfortable in taking. If there does not seem to be any cause for a video inspection that’s fine. If your chimney sweep does recommend one, though, you want to be sure that it is because one is actually necessary. Call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. if you’re in the Twin Cities area. When you work with our trained, professional and certified team, you’re working with technicians you know you can trust.

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Minneapolis Chimney Guide: Professional Chimney Cleaning Steps

Monday, July 2nd, 2012

There are few things as comforting on a cold night as a crackling fire in your living room. No matter how much or how little you use your fireplace it is important to have your chimney cleaned annually. When it comes to cleaning your chimney the only way to ensure that it is safe and structurally sound is to call a Minneapolis chimney cleaning professional. Anyone can sweep the soot out of a chimney, but a professional chimney sweep provides much more service than that. Here is some information about the professional chimney cleaning process.

A professional chimney sweep starts by cleaning and inspecting the fireplace, moving upwards to the flu and chimney. The chimney sweep also inspects the chimney flashing and crown. The chimney flashing is the seal between the joints of your building and the chimney and the crown sits on top of the chimney, protecting the masonry from water and weather damage.

Once the fireplace is cleaned the damper is removed. This is the part of chimney is seals the opening when the fireplace is not in use. Its removal allows for brush access to the smoke shelf and chamber. The smoke chamber functions to reduce backdraft when smoke enters the flue, and the smoke shelf catches falling debris and rain water. It is vital that these areas be clean and unobstructed.

Once the area is cleared it is time to begin the actual sweeping of the chimney. Most professionals will skip the handheld brush for one mounted on a heavy duty drill. This allows for a much more thorough scraping and cleaning of the built up creosote than simply feeding a brush through by hand. Once the brushing is done the crew will vacuum up the mess, being sure to clear the smoke shelf of all debris.

Once the cleaning has been completed, your professional chimney sweep may feed video equipment through the damper opening. This will allow them to inspect the condition and integrity of the chimney flue and mortar joints. Most serious issues with chimneys are discovered during routine chimney sweeping. Video inspection allows for detection of water damage, missing or degraded mortar joints, black stains indicating smoke leakage and a slew of other possible issues.

Once a year, every year, have a Minneapolis chimney professional clean your chimney. If you have any questions regarding this information, the pros at 2nd Generation Chimneys are willing, able and happy to provide answers.

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