2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Fireplace Cleaning’

The Basics You Need to Know About Fireplace Cleaning

Monday, August 26th, 2024

A cozy fireplace can be the heart of any home, providing warmth and ambiance during those chilly months. However, to ensure your fireplace remains safe and efficient, regular cleaning is essential. At 2nd Generation Chimneys, we understand the importance of maintaining your fireplace and chimney, and we’re here to explain why fireplace cleaning task is crucial, how often it should be done, and why professional service is the best route to take.

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Keeping Your Fireplace Danger-Free

Monday, January 6th, 2020

fire-book-openYour fireplace should be something in your home that you can trust to provide an extra boost of warmth and comfort during the cooler months. What’s more, it adds a little extra something to your home visually even during the summer months. The only thing that can hinder the positive effect that your fireplace has on you and your home is when it becomes a source of danger to your health and safety.

As you probably guessed by now, the best way to keep your fireplace danger-free is to keep it clean and in good shape. You can do this by scheduling regular cleaning and fireplace repair in Minneapolis, MN. However, a lot of us are likely to hesitate to schedule these services without knowing they’re needed.

Thankfully we can help you determine when the time has come to reach out to your local professionals for cleaning, repairs, and more.

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Why a Cleaner Fireplace Isn’t Just for Looks

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

fire-book-openSome people simply don’t see a need to clean the fireplace very often. A screen in front of the fireplace or a set of doors may keep most of the surfaces hidden from view. And besides, most people expect a fireplace to be dirty. Your guests likely aren’t going to judge ash and soot at the bottom of the fireplace; it just means your family makes good use of it!

However, cleaning the fireplace isn’t just about maintaining the way it looks. Appearances are important to some, but proper fireplace cleaning is about your health and safety too. Find out why our chimney technicians think this is such an important task below, and call our team for chimney and fireplace cleaning in Minneapolis, MN.

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How to Effectively Clean Your Fireplace

Monday, December 25th, 2017

fireplace-fire-burningAlthough you may expect your fireplace to get dirty with extended use, it’s not intended to be this way. The fireplace should be kept clean, even if soot seems to collect quickly at the bottom of the fireplace. And if this is the case, you should do whatever you can to ensure this is kept under control.

Part of this is regular fireplace sweeping. Part of this is prevention. But you should also be sure to call in professional technicians to clean your chimney and fireplace at least once per year, and help you make changes to reduce soot and debris buildup in the first place.

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Why Is Firebox Cleaning an Important Part of Chimney Service?

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

‘Tis the time of year for warm fires, but you could be in for a lot more if your firebox isn’t as clean as it should be. From all appearances, your chimney looks like one large component, but the truth is, your chimney can consist of up to 22 parts, one of which is your firebox. Chimney sweeping should be performed annually by a trained professional, so if you are getting ready to warm some chestnuts by an open fire, make sure you’ve had your chimney swept first. If you haven’t, call 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc., today and schedule an appointment for fireplace cleaning in Wayzata, MN.

What Is the Firebox?

The firebox is the part of your fireplace where the fire actually burns. Because of this, it is the part of your fireplace that sustains the most heat. Many fireboxes are made of some kind of masonry, like bricks, but some are made of metal, as you’ll find with a pre-fabricated chimney.

Why Is It Important to Clean the Firebox?

During a routine chimney sweep appointment, your firebox isn’t just cleaned, it is also inspected. Due to the high temperatures the firebox sustains, it isn’t unusual for wear and tear to set in. Combustion byproducts can be very acidic, so both masonry and metal can crack; the mortar in the masonry can erode, and metal can corrode over time. If these problems have developed with your firebox, they’ll be detected during your annual chimney sweep and repaired as necessary.

Maintaining Your Firebox

An annual chimney sweep helps you to maintain your firebox through the years, but cleaning out ash after every use is also important. Ash and soot accumulate quickly and can be corrosive; if left to sit in your firebox, you can prematurely age the masonry and/or metal work in the firebox. Cleaning out the ash from your fireplace after every use helps to significantly reduce the potential effects of the soot and ash while keeping your firebox clean for the next warm fire.

Warm fires and winter go hand-in-hand. Keep your winter fires healthy and safe with a clean firebox and chimney.Call Us Today! 612.922.9600 or 1-888-PIXLEYS

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