2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘fireplace’

3 Chimney Problems That You’ll Want to Avoid!

Monday, November 12th, 2018

chimneyPeople think of fireplaces and chimneys as being simple. They may not feature some of the modern technology that today’s most advanced HVAC systems boast, but that doesn’t mean the fireplaces and chimneys are as straightforward as you think. It’s not just a hole in a wall with a pipe on top to let the smoke out, after all! There is a lot more to fireplace and chimney installation and design than may meet the eye—and a lot that escapes your eye.

Today we’ll look at 3 potential problems that you may encounter with your chimney. Are these meant to scare you off of using your fireplace, or having a new one installed? No, of course not. After all, any heating system has the potential for a dangerous situation to develop. We just want to remind you of how important it is to work with Minneapolis, MN chimney and fireplace professionals. In other words, we want you to work with us!

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Signs That Your Chimney Is in Trouble!

Monday, July 23rd, 2018

thumbs-upIn the age of not only combustion boilers and furnaces but also modern technology like heat pumps and ductless mini splits, there are undoubtedly those individuals that look upon the old-fashioned fireplace/chimney combo as being a relic from the past. Those of us fortunate enough to have a well-designed and properly maintained fireplace/chimney setup, however, know different. Not only is the heat generated comforting, but the ambiance is incredibly relaxing.

Of course, that roaring fire is going to be a lot more difficult to enjoy if your chimney is not in great working condition. Even worse, you may not be able to use your fireplace safely if it is not functioning properly! The last thing that you want to do is to put your safety—and that of your family—at risk when simply trying to use the fireplace in your home. So read on, learn about some warning signs that may mean you need chimney repair in St. Paul, MN, and give us a call with any concerns that you may have.  

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Interior and Exterior Spark Arrestors—What’s the Difference?

Monday, July 9th, 2018

police-fireman-doctorWell, let me guess. One is inside, and one is outside, right? Haha, very funny. Sure, you may have a basic grasp of the difference between any components of any system when one is designated as “exterior” and the other “interior”. However, chances are that you may not even understand what a spark arrestor is, let alone how one functions (or should be installed, for that matter). Well, the answer is actually quite simple, so just read on.

As always, we want to remind you that any fireplace services in Minneapolis, MN must be completed by skilled, trained professionals. The last thing that you want to do is pull up an online video and suddenly mistake yourself for being some kind of expert! Work with the professional technicians on our staff, and you’ll be able to use your fireplace safely and reliably. And now, without further ado, let’s take a look at those different types of arrestors that you’re so curious about! 

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Why a Cleaner Fireplace Isn’t Just for Looks

Monday, January 22nd, 2018

fire-book-openSome people simply don’t see a need to clean the fireplace very often. A screen in front of the fireplace or a set of doors may keep most of the surfaces hidden from view. And besides, most people expect a fireplace to be dirty. Your guests likely aren’t going to judge ash and soot at the bottom of the fireplace; it just means your family makes good use of it!

However, cleaning the fireplace isn’t just about maintaining the way it looks. Appearances are important to some, but proper fireplace cleaning is about your health and safety too. Find out why our chimney technicians think this is such an important task below, and call our team for chimney and fireplace cleaning in Minneapolis, MN.

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Stop Using Your Fireplace If These Things Happen

Monday, January 15th, 2018

chimney-needs-repairMost people assume that an older fireplace, one that has served a home well for years, doesn’t require much service. A fireplace is designed to be durable, after all, since it’s the one part of your home you frequently fill with fire!  However, that doesn’t mean your fireplace or chimney will be completely safe forever.

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Don’t Use a Chimney in Need of Repair

Monday, December 11th, 2017

chimney-masonry-worn-brickIt’s the perfect time of year to light a fire and bask in the warmth and comfort a fireplace can provide. That is, of course, as long as your chimney is not a risk to your health and safety. However, many people don’t realize that problems within a chimney exist. Or, they may think that they can still use their chimneys despite the problems that exist.

Even a seemingly “small” problem, or anything that seems to affect only the aesthetics of the chimney, may be a bigger safety risk than you think. If your chimney is in need of repair, you should NOT use your fireplace, sticking to traditional central heating until the issue is resolved. Here’s what else you should know.

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Repair a Broken Fireplace Damper ASAP!

Monday, October 16th, 2017

fireplace-repair-chimneyFireplace safety is always our #1 concern at 2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Before we help you upgrade your fireplace, we always advise you of any safety issues we see first and foremost, as all of our chimney sweeps are trained to do. We can detect hard-to-spot concerns such as a buildup of creosote, issues with the masonry, or signs of a previous fire that put you at a greater risk.

That said, there is one safety concern that you can likely catch on your own. If the fireplace damper is sealed shut, smoke can quickly back up into your home. The fireplace damper is meant to be opened before you use your fireplace each time, and closed shortly afterwards. However, some people still feel that there is time to wait to call for a chimney technician’s services to if they notice a fireplace damper is broken.

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How to Repair a Deteriorating Fireplace

Monday, September 4th, 2017

fireplace-brick-fireWe’re getting excited for the cooler weather to come! It’s almost time to light a fire, gather with loved ones, and feel the cozy warmth of a naturally heated living space. But you are probably a lot less excited about that joy of the coming seasons if your fireplace is not in good shape, if you’ve noticed that parts are not working properly or it’s started to deteriorate.

We want to help you learn what to do about a problematic fireplace. However, we will stress that most fireplace repairs, especially those that carry over to your chimney, should be handled by the pros. Please, feel free to reach out to our professional technicians for more information.

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Why Does Your Fireplace Smoke?

Monday, April 3rd, 2017

cat-fireplace-hearthNothing is quite as relaxing on a cold winter night at home as lighting a fire in your fireplace and cozying up. Unless, of course, your fireplace sends smoke pouring back into your home. Not only is this unexpected; it’s a health and safety hazard as well. If you’re tired of this happening so often when you use your fireplace, we may have some solutions.

Below, find out what may be causing your fireplace to smoke when you light a fire, and some possible remedies to the situation. Otherwise, call our team for comprehensive chimney and fireplace services in Minneapolis, MN.

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Keep Heat in Your Home with 4 Fireplace and Chimney Tips

Monday, January 23rd, 2017

A fireplace is a soothing, comforting source of heat when the whole family is gathered in the living room, playing games or watching television and making the most of a cold evening.

We hope we don’t have to tell you that you shouldn’t be using your fireplace as a primary source of heat. This is expensive, first of all, and it can be unsafe. You should never use a fireplace unattended, and it can only really heat one area of the home anyway.Chimney-Heating-Efficiency

This winter, you may use both your heating system and your fireplace. If so, we want to make sure your home works as efficiently as possible and that you get the most out of both of these comfort systems. Follow these tips to make sure your fireplace and chimney don’t contribute to higher energy bills than you need.

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