2nd Generation Chimneys, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Chimney Inspection’

3 Unexpected Signs of a Chimney Fire

Monday, September 25th, 2017

chimney-needs-repairYou would definitely notice if there were a fire in your home, right?

Not necessarily. Chimney fires can come and go without warning. You may never notice the signs, not until a chimney technician inspects your chimney. This is especially true if you don’t know what to look for.

It’s so important to detect chimney fires early so you can get the source of the problem under control. You certainly want to avoid the possibility of a fire spreading to the outside of a home, and each chimney fire increases this likelihood. Here are some ways a chimney sweep can tell you’ve had a chimney fire, some of which may come as a surprise.

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What Happens After a Chimney Fire?

Monday, July 24th, 2017

chimney-and-fireWe spend a lot of time warning people about chimney fires, advising homeowners on how to prevent a fire, and sharing information about preventing fires from spreading to the outside of the home. Unfortunately, chimney fires are an all-too-common reality for people who use their fireplace. In our area, it’s essential to know what to do if you encounter a chimney fire, and what will happen to your home as a result.

For more information on chimney fires, or to get services for your chimney and fireplace in Minneapolis, give us a call. For now, read on to find out what can happen to your chimney when a fire starts, how you may not even know about it in the first place, and what to do to detect and repair the damage.

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What Technicians Are Looking for During a Chimney Inspection

Tuesday, June 6th, 2017

man-shadow-chimney-cleanHopefully, you’ve heard before just how important it is to schedule a chimney inspection each year. We tell our customers and neighbors this all the time, but you might feel as though you can do a sufficient job yourself. We’re here to tell you it takes experience. A trained chimney sweep can recognize problems, and carries the right tools to detect problems sooner.

Want to know what professional chimney sweeps are looking for during an annual inspection? Take a look. It’s more complex than you may think.

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3 Things That Can Happen to a Chimney in the Spring and Summer

Monday, May 15th, 2017

chimney-with-capAs the weather warms up, you’re probably not going to think much about using your chimney and fireplace. That doesn’t mean your chimney is immune to problems. You can actually run into a lot of problems with your chimney or fireplace in the spring and summer, especially if you don’t call a technician for routine inspection and cleaning this year.

Take a look at a few of the problems you might run into this spring and summer, and make sure your chimney is in tip-top shape before it’s back in service in the fall.

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We Use SmartScan Technology to Inspect Your Chimney Flue

Monday, May 8th, 2017

chimney-fire-top-bottomYour chimney may not be in as good of a condition as you think. Hopefully, your chimney is lined with a flue liner, a liner most likely made of steel or clay tiles, that protects the masonry from damage. It stops a potential chimney fire from spreading to the outside of the home, but that doesn’t make it infallible.

When a chimney liner is filled with flammable materials, or when the chimney liner is compromised structurally, it puts your home at risk. Schedule your annual chimney cleaning and inspection with a technician who uses SmartScan technology to check out the chimney liner.

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Start the New Year Right with a Chimney Inspection

Monday, January 2nd, 2017

The new year is a time for a new start. If you missed out on chimney maintenance in the beginning of the winter, it’s not too late! We want every homeowner to have the opportunity to ensure that their chimneys are in tip-top shape, so that they can prevent potential home fires, water damage, and other issues.

Schedule a chimney inspection with a local chimney sweep. It’s important!

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Why It’s So Important to Keep Snow and Ice Away from Outside Vents

Monday, December 12th, 2016

This season, we’ve spent a lot of time making sure homeowners get the professional services they need to use their fireplaces and chimneys safely. However, these aren’t the only parts of your home you use in the winter that could pose a threat to your health and safety. Any heating system has vents that lead to the outdoors, and they do not all necessarily use your chimney.

High-efficiency heaters and stoves have smaller metal flue pipes that vent through a wall in your home. Occasionally, these vent pipes can get blocked up with snow and ice, and it’s up to you to take notice and take action.

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2 Ways to Prepare Your Chimney for Colder Weather

Monday, August 1st, 2016

Don’t wait to get your chimney ready for the cold winter weather. Your chimney can be a major fire hazard when winter hits, and you want to do everything you can to prevent fire from moving through the liner and then to the outside of your home. Here are two ways you can start preparing to use your chimney in the winter!

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What Are Technicians Looking for When They Inspect a Chimney?

Monday, June 13th, 2016

You might have heard recently that you need a chimney inspection for one reason or another, perhaps because you are making renovations, leaving a home, or purchasing a home. This will be an involved inspection that may even involve the use of video cameras. But it’s also important to get a routine inspection each year in order to prevent major repairs and, most importantly, potential fire hazards.

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Why Smoke Gets into Your Home When You Use the Fireplace

Monday, May 2nd, 2016

You light a fire in your fireplace, assuming that you’ll feel more comfortable in no time. But shortly after you build a fire, smoke is sent through the fireplace and back to your home. This is a scary problem that often deserves professional attention in order to prevent fires and other health and safety issues. We’ve provided the list below so that you can ask yourself a few questions before you call in a technician, and know what to tell the chimney sweeps when they arrive.

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